How to manage jet lag with a baby

For anyone, jet lag can be uncomfortable and generally unpleasant, and babies certainly aren’t immune to it. Thinking about and planning for jet lag can help your baby adjust faster and easier. Here are three tips to help ease these transitions:

  • Get outside

Getting outside, especially in the sunshine, can help your baby’s body regulate and know it’s not quite bedtime yet. This is actually a great tip for any babies struggling with sleeping at night generally but can be especially useful after a swing in time difference.

  • Make awake time active

Stay active during awake time. Go for a walk. Play together. While laying around can be tempting, it makes it that much harder to distinguish awake time from sleep time. 

  • Give yourself grace and plan for disruptions

Expect it will not be a smooth transition. Jetlag is hard enough for us as adults and, especially because they don’t understand, it is only that much harder for the little people. Anticipate jet lag to mess with your little one’s sleep schedule and plan for it by coming back a day early or taking an extra day off of work.

What other tips do you have for dealing with jet lag with a baby? Check out some of our other tips for traveling as a family here. And get ready to take your next family trip with my free packing list.

Check out my e-book, How to Travel with A Baby.

Everything you need to know about traveling with a baby in just 56 pages.

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