A Guide to Athens with Kids

Greece is one of the most amazing countries to travel with young children and their capital city, Athens, is no exception. Their family-friendly culture welcomes travelers of all ages and they certainly made us feel right at home. While Athens’ ancient history may make it not the most stroller-friendly place, there is certainly a lot to love about traveling to the historic city. Knowing all the best tips and tricks can certainly help you make the most of your trip to Athens with kids.

Transportation Options in Athens with Kids

While Athens is a very walkable city, understanding the transportation options available can help make for a smooth and enjoyable trip. The city offers a variety of transportation modes, each with its own set of pros and cons for families.

Athens Metro

The Athens Metro system is often the most convenient and efficient way to navigate the city, especially for families with young children. It provides extensive coverage of the city, with stations located near major attractions and neighborhoods. The metro is clean, reliable, and relatively affordable, making it a popular choice for families. However, it can get crowded during peak hours, which may be challenging when traveling with strollers or young children.


Buses are another common mode of transportation in Athens, offering a more flexible route network than the metro. They are suitable for reaching destinations not serviced by the metro and provide a budget-friendly option for families. However, buses can also be crowded and subject to traffic congestion, which may impact travel times, especially with children.


Taxis offer convenience and door-to-door service, making them a popular choice for families, especially when traveling with luggage or tired kids. However, they can be more expensive than other modes of transportation, and finding a taxi with a suitable car seat for young children may be challenging.


Ride-share services like Uber and Bolt are gaining popularity in Athens and can be a convenient option for families, offering competitive pricing and the convenience of booking through a mobile app. However, availability may vary depending on the time of day and location, and car seat options may be limited.

When navigating transportation with kids in Athens, it’s essential to consider stroller accessibility and car seat regulations. While the metro and buses are generally stroller-friendly, some stations may lack elevators or ramps, making it difficult to access platforms with strollers. Additionally, Greek law requires children under a certain age or height to use car seats when traveling in taxis or private vehicles, so it’s important to bring along a suitable car seat or inquire about availability when booking a taxi or ride-share service.

Car Rentals in Athens with Kids

Renting a car can be an advantageous option for families exploring Athens, offering flexibility, convenience, and the ability to tailor your itinerary to suit your family’s needs. One of the primary advantages of renting a car is the freedom it provides to explore beyond the city center. While Athens boasts an excellent public transportation system, including the metro and buses, having a car allows families to venture off the beaten path and discover hidden gems, scenic routes, and charming villages in the surrounding countryside. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for families with young children who may prefer shorter travel times or need to make frequent stops.

When renting a car for family travel in Athens, it’s essential to prioritize child safety. Ensure that the rental agency offers car seats suitable for your children’s age, weight, and height. Many car rental companies provide car seats for an additional fee, but it’s advisable to reserve them in advance to guarantee availability. Additionally, familiarize yourself with Greek road regulations, including seat belt and child restraint laws, to ensure compliance and safety for your little ones.

Parking in Athens

Parking considerations are also crucial when renting a car in Athens. While the city offers parking facilities, finding a parking spot can be challenging, especially in the city center or popular tourist areas. Opt for accommodations that offer parking facilities or inquire about nearby parking options when booking your stay. Additionally, be mindful of parking regulations and restrictions to avoid fines or towing.

Despite these considerations, renting a car can greatly enhance your family’s experience in Athens, providing the freedom to explore at your own pace and discover the beauty of the Greek capital and its surrounding areas. With proper planning and attention to child safety and parking considerations, renting a car can be a convenient and rewarding option for families embarking on an adventure in Athens.

Accommodation in Athens with Kids

When selecting accommodation for your family in Athens, several factors should be taken into consideration to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Firstly, identifying family-friendly neighborhoods and areas is essential. Plaka, the historic neighborhood nestled beneath the Acropolis, is a popular choice for families due to its charming atmosphere, pedestrian-friendly streets, and proximity to major attractions. Additionally, areas like Koukaki and Syntagma Square offer convenient access to museums, restaurants, and public transportation, making them ideal bases for exploring the city with kids.

When choosing accommodation, proximity to attractions is a key consideration, especially when traveling with young children. Selecting a hotel or rental property within walking distance or a short commute from major sights can help minimize travel time and fatigue for your family. Moreover, accommodations with stroller accessibility, such as elevators and ramps, can greatly enhance convenience and ease of mobility for families with infants or toddlers.

Accessibility considerations for strollers in hotels or rental properties are also important. Prioritize accommodations with stroller-friendly entrances, wide hallways, and elevators to facilitate ease of movement throughout the property. Additionally, inquire about the availability of cribs, high chairs, and other essential baby equipment to ensure a hassle-free stay for your family.

By carefully considering factors such as family-friendly neighborhoods, proximity to attractions, stroller accessibility, and the availability of family suites, you can select accommodation that meets the unique needs and preferences of your family, ensuring a memorable and comfortable stay in Athens.

Dining Culture in Athens with Kids

Greek dining culture is a vibrant and social experience deeply rooted in tradition and hospitality. Understanding the customs and etiquette can enhance your family’s dining experience while visiting Athens. Greeks often view mealtime as a time for gathering with loved ones, enjoying good food, and engaging in lively conversation. Greeks typically enjoy leisurely meals with multiple courses, so expect a relaxed pace when dining out.

Fortunately, Athens offers numerous child-friendly dining options catering to families. Many restaurants provide kid-friendly menus, high chairs, and accommodating staff who are accustomed to serving families with children. Look for restaurants with outdoor seating or spacious interiors where kids can move around comfortably.

When dining out with kids in Athens, consider the late dining hours common in Greek culture. Many restaurants don’t start serving dinner until after 8:00 PM, which may be challenging for families with young children accustomed to earlier meal times. To mitigate this, plan ahead and schedule meals accordingly, or opt for lunchtime dining when restaurants are typically less crowded.

Moreover, Greece’s rich culinary heritage offers a diverse array of dishes, but it’s essential to consider picky eaters in your family. Fortunately, many Greek restaurants offer familiar options like souvlaki (grilled meat skewers), Greek salads, and moussaka (a layered casserole dish), which are likely to appeal to children with simpler palates.

In summary, dining out in Athens with kids can be a delightful experience with a bit of preparation and understanding of Greek dining customs. By seeking out child-friendly dining options, being mindful of late dining hours, and considering picky eaters when choosing dishes, families can enjoy delicious meals and create lasting memories together in the vibrant culinary scene of Athens.

Child-Friendly Culture in Athens with Kids

Athens is a city that warmly embraces families, offering a plethora of child-friendly activities, attractions, and spaces that cater to the needs and interests of children of all ages. Embracing the family-friendly atmosphere in Athens allows parents and children alike to immerse themselves in the rich cultural tapestry of the city while enjoying memorable experiences together.

One of the highlights of Athens’ child-friendly culture is the abundance of activities and attractions tailored specifically for children. Museums such as the Museum of Greek Children’s Art and the Hellenic Children’s Museum provide interactive exhibits and hands-on activities designed to engage and educate young visitors about Greek culture, history, and art in a fun and accessible manner. Additionally, the Athens Planetarium offers captivating shows and workshops that ignite children’s curiosity about the cosmos.

In addition to cultural attractions, Athens boasts numerous parks, playgrounds, and recreational areas where families can unwind and enjoy outdoor adventures. The National Garden of Athens, located in the heart of the city, features lush greenery, winding pathways, and playgrounds where children can run, play, and explore nature. Likewise, Lycabettus Hill offers breathtaking views of Athens and ample space for picnics, hiking, and outdoor activities suitable for families.

Overall, Athens’ child-friendly culture fosters a sense of inclusivity and warmth, inviting families to create lasting memories and cherish shared experiences in one of the world’s oldest and most captivating cities. Whether exploring interactive museums, playing in parks, or strolling through charming neighborhoods, families are sure to find endless opportunities for fun, adventure, and cultural enrichment in Athens.

Accessibility of Historical Sites in Athens with Kids

Exploring Athens’ historical sites with young children can be a rewarding and enriching experience, and understanding the accessibility features at popular landmarks is essential for a smooth and enjoyable visit. Historical sites such as the Acropolis and Ancient Agora are iconic attractions that offer insights into Greece’s rich cultural heritage.

The Acropolis, crowned by the majestic Parthenon, is one of Athens’ most renowned historical sites. While navigating the ancient ruins with young children may seem daunting, the site offers accessibility features to accommodate visitors with strollers or mobility challenges. Elevator access is available near the entrance of the Acropolis, providing a convenient way for families to reach the hilltop without navigating the steep ascent. Taking the elevator not only saves time and energy but also offers breathtaking panoramic views of the cityscape, making it a memorable experience for both parents and children.

Once atop the Acropolis, families can explore the ancient temples, monuments, and artifacts at their own pace. However, it’s advisable to consider walking down from the Acropolis rather than relying solely on the elevator. Descending on foot allows families to explore the sites at a leisurely pace, enjoy shaded pathways, and discover hidden gems along the way, without the need to navigate the steep hike up.

When exploring historical sites with young children, it’s important to plan ahead and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety and enjoyment. Bring along essentials such as sunscreen, hats, and water to stay hydrated and protected from the sun. Additionally, encourage children to engage with the history and significance of the sites by incorporating fun activities, such as scavenger hunts or storytelling.

Tips for Purchasing Tickets

When planning a family trip to Athens, understanding the ticket purchasing options for popular attractions can help streamline your itinerary and maximize your time exploring the city’s treasures. Here are some tips to consider when purchasing tickets for Athens’ attractions:

Firstly, familiarize yourself with the ticket options available for popular attractions such as the Acropolis, Ancient Agora, and National Archaeological Museum. Many sites offer combination tickets that grant access to multiple attractions at a discounted rate, making them a cost-effective option for families looking to explore multiple sites.

Moreover, take advantage of off-season special ticket pricing and discounts for families. During the shoulder seasons or offseason, many attractions offer reduced admission fees or special promotions, allowing families to experience Athens’ cultural treasures without breaking the bank. Keep an eye out for family-friendly discounts or packages that cater specifically to travelers with children.

Additionally, consider booking tickets online in advance to avoid queues and save time at the ticket counters. Many attractions offer online ticket booking options through their official websites or third-party platforms, allowing visitors to purchase tickets in advance and skip the lines upon arrival. This is particularly beneficial for families with young children who may have limited patience for waiting in long queues.

Furthermore, when booking tickets online, be sure to check for any additional perks or benefits included with your purchase, such as guided tours, audio guides, or fast-track entry options. These extras can enhance your family’s experience and provide valuable insights into Athens’ rich history and culture.

By researching ticket options, taking advantage of off-season discounts, and booking tickets online in advance, families can streamline their itinerary, save money, and enjoy hassle-free access to Athens’ top attractions, ensuring a memorable and enriching experience for the whole family.


When traveling to Athens with kids, language considerations play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience for the whole family. While Greek is the official language of Greece, English is widely spoken, especially in tourist areas and establishments frequented by visitors.

For families traveling with kids in Athens, it’s helpful to familiarize themselves with some common Greek phrases to facilitate communication and enhance their interactions with locals. Basic greetings such as “kalimera” (good morning), “kalispera” (good evening), and “efharisto” (thank you) can go a long way in making connections and showing appreciation for hospitality.

Moreover, learning phrases related to dining, transportation, and emergencies can be beneficial for navigating daily activities with ease. For example, “ena stolismeno pougki, parakalo” (one high chair, please) can come in handy when dining out with young children, while “pos pao sto metro?” (how do I get to the metro?) can help when asking for directions.

Fortunately, English proficiency is widespread among locals and tourist service providers in Athens, particularly in areas frequented by visitors. Hotel staff, restaurant servers, and tour guides often speak English fluently and are accustomed to interacting with international travelers. This language proficiency extends to signage, menus, and information boards at tourist attractions, making it easy for families to navigate and understand their surroundings.

Overall, while Greek is the native language of Athens, families traveling with kids can feel confident that English is widely spoken and understood, providing a welcoming and accessible environment for exploring the city’s cultural treasures and engaging with its vibrant community. Nonetheless, making an effort to learn some basic Greek phrases can enrich your family’s experience and foster meaningful connections with locals during your visit to Athens.

Safety Tips for Athens with Kids

When traveling to Athens with your family, ensuring safety is a top priority to guarantee a worry-free and enjoyable experience. Here are some general safety tips for families exploring the Greek capital:

  1. Stay vigilant in crowded areas: Like any bustling city, Athens can get crowded, especially in tourist hotspots. Keep a close eye on your children in crowded areas to prevent them from getting lost or separated from the group.
  2. Be cautious of traffic: Greek drivers can be assertive, and traffic in Athens can be hectic. Hold hands with young children when crossing the street, and use designated pedestrian crossings whenever possible. Teach kids about road safety and the importance of looking both ways before crossing.
  3. Secure your belongings: Pickpocketing can occur in crowded areas and tourist attractions. Keep your belongings close and secure, and consider using anti-theft bags or money belts to deter thieves.
  4. Stay hydrated and protected from the sun: Athens has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers. Ensure everyone stays hydrated by carrying water bottles and taking breaks in shaded areas. Apply sunscreen regularly to protect against sunburn.
  5. Know emergency contact information: Familiarize yourself with emergency contact numbers, including the European emergency number 112, which can be dialed for police, fire, or medical emergencies. Keep a list of important contacts, including your hotel and embassy, handy.
  6. Locate medical facilities: Identify the nearest hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies to your accommodation and major attractions. Consider carrying a small first aid kit with essential supplies such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and medications for common ailments.
  7. Follow COVID-19 guidelines: Stay informed about current COVID-19 regulations and guidelines in Athens, including mask mandates, social distancing measures, and any travel restrictions or requirements. Adhere to health and safety protocols to protect your family and others.

Packing Essentials

When packing for a family trip to Athens, it’s essential to bring along certain essentials to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for everyone. Firstly, consider the climate and pack appropriate clothing for the season. Athens has a Mediterranean climate, so lightweight and breathable clothing, along with hats and sunglasses, are essential to protect against the sun’s rays. Don’t forget to pack sunscreen and insect repellent to shield your family from the elements. Additionally, bring comfortable walking shoes for exploring the city’s historic sites and cobblestone streets.

To pack efficiently for family travel, prioritize versatile items that can serve multiple purposes. Choose clothing pieces that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits, reducing the need for excess luggage. Consider packing travel-sized toiletries to save space and weight in your suitcase. Utilize packing cubes or compression bags to organize clothing and maximize space in your luggage.

When exploring Athens with children, there are several must-have items to bring along. A lightweight stroller or baby carrier is indispensable for navigating the city’s streets and attractions, especially if you have young children. Pack snacks, water bottles, and entertainment options such as books, toys, or tablets to keep kids occupied during long walks or waits at attractions. Don’t forget to bring a portable charger or power bank to keep devices charged while on the go. Lastly, carry a small backpack or daypack to hold essentials like sunscreen, water, and snacks during outings.

By packing strategically and including essential items tailored to family travel, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free experience exploring Athens with your children. Be mindful of the essentials, pack light yet efficiently, and prioritize comfort and convenience to make the most of your family adventure in the Greek capital.

Weather Considerations in Athens with Kids

Athens experiences a Mediterranean climate characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. Summers, from June to August, are typically hot and sunny, with temperatures often exceeding 30°C (86°F). These months are ideal for enjoying outdoor activities and exploring Athens’ historic sites, but the heat can be intense, especially for young children. It’s essential to stay hydrated, seek shade during the hottest parts of the day, and apply sunscreen regularly to protect against sunburn. Consider investing in a portable fan to help cool young children off and ensure young babies, who can’t use sunscreen, have sufficient cover including a hat.

Spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) are considered the best times to visit Athens with kids, as temperatures are milder and more comfortable for outdoor activities. During these seasons, daytime temperatures range from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F), making it pleasant for sightseeing and exploring the city’s attractions. The shoulder seasons also offer fewer crowds compared to the peak summer months, allowing families to enjoy a more relaxed and authentic experience in Athens.

When dressing for varying weather conditions in Athens, it’s essential to layer clothing to adapt to changing temperatures throughout the day. Lightweight, breathable fabrics are ideal for summer months, while long sleeves and pants may be necessary in the evenings or during cooler spring and autumn days. Bring a light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings, and don’t forget to pack a hat and sunglasses to protect against the sun’s rays. Regardless of the season, comfortable walking shoes are a must for exploring Athens’ cobblestone streets and ancient ruins. By dressing appropriately for the weather and packing essentials for varying conditions, families can enjoy a comfortable and memorable visit to Athens, regardless of the season.

Local Etiquette and Customs

Understanding Greek customs and social norms is key to immersing yourself in the local culture and enjoying a fulfilling experience during your family trip to Athens. Greeks are known for their warmth, hospitality, and strong sense of community, and respecting their customs enhances mutual respect and appreciation.

One important aspect of Greek culture is the emphasis on family and social connections. Family gatherings are central to Greek life, and children are warmly welcomed and included in social events. When interacting with locals, show respect for family values and demonstrate an interest in learning about Greek traditions and customs.

When exploring Athens with your family, immerse yourselves in cultural experiences suitable for all ages. Visit local markets like the Central Market (Varvakios Agora) to discover fresh produce, spices, and traditional Greek delicacies. Attend a traditional Greek dance performance or music concert to experience the vibrant rhythms and melodies of Greek folklore. Lastly, participate in cooking classes or workshops to learn how to prepare authentic Greek dishes together as a family, fostering bonds and creating lasting memories.

Greece’s capital city, Athens, offers an incredible experience for families traveling with young children. From exploring iconic landmarks to immersing ourselves in Greek traditions and cuisine, Athens captivated us with its charm and hospitality. Our family adventure in Athens was filled with unforgettable moments and left us with cherished memories that we will treasure for years to come.

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